Paper dolls with colour-in clothes

Being able to colour in the clothes of these paper dolls makes them extra fun. There will be more clothes for Patsy,  Chris, Annette and Robin in future months. The Patsy and Chris paper doll pdf is at the bottom of the page.

You will need:





Diagram 1

Diagram 2

  1. Carefully cut out the paper dolls.
  2. Place them on a sheet of card and draw round them.
  3. Cut out along the outline then stick the figures to the cardboard with the glue.
  4. To make the dolls stand up, first cut the slits on their stands. Next, cut out two pieces of card 1 cm by 9 cm. Make two slits on each one (diagram 1) and slot them into the stands (diagram 2).
  5. Cut out the clothes and fold back the tabs so that the dolls can wear them.

The paper dolls are a pdf file, so that the figures and clothes come out the right size, click below to download it.

Paper Doll PDF Patsy and Chris

More clothes PDF for Patsy and Chris


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